Data Visualizations with Datawrapper

Datawrapper is a free data visualization tool for easily embedding interactive charts, maps, and tables to new stories and websites. Created for news stories, it has since grown, but the sentiment of creating a data visualization in one click remains. Datawrapper supports an array of data import options, and once your data is in, you can choose from many chart and map types, then customize and annotate them as needed. No code or design skills are required to use the tool, and it currently supports collaboration, a dark mode, and a built-in color blindness checker. No sign-ups are required to use.


This tutorial only takes you through the process of creating and publishing a range plot, however, DataWrapper supports other visualization types such as column, line, and bar charts, election donuts, area charts, scatter plots, choropleth and symbol maps, locator maps, and more.

Click here to see the range plot created in this tutorial

Explore River to get inspired on what you can do in Datawrapper. After adding a chart to the River, anyone can use it and customize the chart in Datawrapper, then publish it in their own style on their website or wherever. If you have the paid version, your visualization is not published to River unless you specify, and it will stay private. Moreover, all your visualizations and data are private until you hit the ‘Publish’ button. Click here to see an example of a recent visualization founded on River.


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