Georeferencing Report


Hello, here’s the map i was chose to georeference.

This was the first map I was given and chose to run with it since it seemed interesting. It’s a weather map from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau in 1901. I can see how a map like this could be useful for broad observations, but it has so many specific forecasts and reading that seem to crowd the map.

(United States) Weather Map.  January 24, 1901.

My map

Examine the This Map page, what formats can you access the map you rectified in?

I don’t exactly understand what this question is asking. The only format currently available to us is digital and in the versions of ArcGISQGIS or web apps. And the format it’s presented in is layered over the current map of the US. Since the country hasn’t changed geographically, there aren’t any intriguing observations to be made.

What possibilities do you see once you have a georectified map? What would be next steps?

I am sure there are other countries and areas of land that could provide insightful observations when compared to the same area decades, even centuries, ago. But, since this map came from the early 20th century, there’s not many observartions to be made. Moreover, the information on the map wouldn’t have been very useful 3 weeks after its creation, and even less now. If this were a map of eastern asia from a long time ago, I’m sure there would be a lot of notable differences between it and the current day area. 
Are there problems with georeferencing that you should consider?

A problem with georeferencing is that it gets increasingly difficult to georeference as the maps one uses get older and less reliable. For example, there could be a map that had incorrect proportions or a funky perspective that warped the viewers sight of an area. 


One Comment

  1. That last part is very true. It’s pretty weird to think that the same can be said for the world we’re in now in like 100 years!

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