Building A Home (Thankfully, Online)

End-unit house from the front

ABOVE: IMAGE 1: Front view of end-unit condo complex. If it doesn’t show up, shucks. I’m new to this :/


If you can believe it when looking at this artistry, I am not in fact an expert with SketchUp. Never mind that I forgot to unselect the front face of the building, and please dear God don’t ask me to fix that bottom right window, because I think it was one of the first things I built on this house, and I didn’t realize early enough that it is … tilted. Still, art. Please take note of the not-visible but wonderful for-scale man holding a banjo (manjo?) in the right corner of the house. He shall live the remainder of his life within the non-insulated home I have built for him, without the presence of my little Scottish Terrier who lives in the real-world version of this house or the wonderful riverside views that usually accompany this end-unit.


In all seriousness, I sort of forgot the tutorial we did at first, but after futzing around hoping to make my mom’s house (a MUCH more complex building), I felt comfortable giving up on the complex house-building and tried to make my dad’s. The straight-line and pulled-out structures were actually pretty easy, once I got down to it. The textures and things were quite enjoyable. I only wish I knew how to make fences or scale down paint, because the siding is a bit oversized. I’m proud of the bulkhead, so take a look at image 2! Or don’t, I suppose.


I had trouble moving, for one, but also, making rounded or triangular structures stumped me for a little longer than I’d like to admit. Hence, pride about the bulkhead.


I do NOT know how to change paint siding and such sizes. I think that will just be given up on.


What’s not to love? I could easily see this functioning as a way to explore a building or space either that is far away or that has not been fully built yet. I do wish the movement functionality was more sensibly done, though. Maybe a mouse would have served my needs better.

IMAGE 2: Backside 3/4 view of the house. See: threateningly un-fenced back steps, successful bulkhead.
IMAGE 2: Backside 3/4 view of the house. See: threateningly un-fenced back steps, successful bulkhead.

With the help of the third image, you can now see the unholy imaginings of the left side of the house. This is an end-unit, not a standalone, but you have been blessed and can now see brick that was never brought into such glorious existence. Just kidding. I don’t know what to write.

IMAGE 3: Left-side view of my dad's house, even though the left side of my dad's house is literally a wall into another unit.
IMAGE 3: Wow, I’m sure you were looking forward to this left-side view of my dad’s house. It doesn’t actually exist.

Here’s where to access SketchUp.

Wow, you read everything. Woah-woah. Thanks! – Kelly_H



  1. Ah the bottom right window issue is super relatable. It is cool how lifelike that bush actually looks o_O

  2. That bush is totally rad! Bummer they didn’t have a built in 3D image for a scottish terrier!

  3. I know other people already talked about it, but I really like that bush. I love how it stands out 🙂

  4. This house looks really nice. I am wondering that the yellow parts are though. Is it the curtains?

    • They’re shutters, actually! I just thought the shutter textures looked pretty bad and was trying to find a better alternative. Evidently, I didn’t, haha

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