ABOVE: IMAGE 1: Front view of end-unit condo complex. If it doesn’t show up, shucks. I’m new to this :/
If you can believe it when looking at this artistry, I am not in fact an expert with SketchUp. Never mind that I forgot to unselect the front face of the building, and please dear God don’t ask me to fix that bottom right window, because I think it was one of the first things I built on this house, and I didn’t realize early enough that it is … tilted. Still, art. Please take note of the not-visible but wonderful for-scale man holding a banjo (manjo?) in the right corner of the house. He shall live the remainder of his life within the non-insulated home I have built for him, without the presence of my little Scottish Terrier who lives in the real-world version of this house or the wonderful riverside views that usually accompany this end-unit.
In all seriousness, I sort of forgot the tutorial we did at first, but after futzing around hoping to make my mom’s house (a MUCH more complex building), I felt comfortable giving up on the complex house-building and tried to make my dad’s. The straight-line and pulled-out structures were actually pretty easy, once I got down to it. The textures and things were quite enjoyable. I only wish I knew how to make fences or scale down paint, because the siding is a bit oversized. I’m proud of the bulkhead, so take a look at image 2! Or don’t, I suppose.
I had trouble moving, for one, but also, making rounded or triangular structures stumped me for a little longer than I’d like to admit. Hence, pride about the bulkhead.
I do NOT know how to change paint siding and such sizes. I think that will just be given up on.
What’s not to love? I could easily see this functioning as a way to explore a building or space either that is far away or that has not been fully built yet. I do wish the movement functionality was more sensibly done, though. Maybe a mouse would have served my needs better.
With the help of the third image, you can now see the unholy imaginings of the left side of the house. This is an end-unit, not a standalone, but you have been blessed and can now see brick that was never brought into such glorious existence. Just kidding. I don’t know what to write.
Here’s where to access SketchUp.
Wow, you read everything. Woah-woah. Thanks! – Kelly_H
Ah the bottom right window issue is super relatable. It is cool how lifelike that bush actually looks o_O
That bush is totally rad! Bummer they didn’t have a built in 3D image for a scottish terrier!
I know other people already talked about it, but I really like that bush. I love how it stands out 🙂
This house looks really nice. I am wondering that the yellow parts are though. Is it the curtains?
They’re shutters, actually! I just thought the shutter textures looked pretty bad and was trying to find a better alternative. Evidently, I didn’t, haha